Non alcoholic Sparkling Grape Juice

The only ingredient of “Dolce Pasiòn”, produced by Maranello Wines, comes from the pressing of the grapes. This way all the nutritional characteristics, which are important for human consumption, are kept untouched and unaltered.

Nutritional Characteristics

In the grape juice there are soluble sugars and therefore they are easily digestible; it is rich in potassium and poor in sodium lt has numerous therapeutical properties: it has a diuretic and laxative effect, contributing to reduce the cholesterol level in the blood and to eliminate the uric acid. The grape juice, finally, has refreshing properties, mineralizing and vitaminizing, therefore it is recommended to children and kids practicing sports.

Healthy characteristics

The magazine Circulation, of the American Heart Association, has published the results of a research explaining how and why the grape juice should be recommended to everybody fora good health. The grape juice, explains the research, is rich in flavonoids which can help to prevent arteriosclerosis (they extend considerably the time of oxidation of the cholesterol Ldl) and some diseases of the coronaries arteries (thrombosis, heart attack and ischemic heart disease). At last, the grape juice is suggested in the “grape cure” or ampelotherapy, when for seasonal reasons it may be difficult to find the grapes.

Product Feature

One grape juice distinctive trait is its pronounced sparkling note given by the carbon dioxide. The sparkling note makes the juices “Dolce Pasiòn” unique and makes them very similar to the thirst-quenching non alcoholic drinks available on the market. The absence of alcohol makes this beverage suitable also for people who, for various reasons, cannot drink alcoholic beverages.

The juice “Dolce Pasion” is packaged in an elegant glass bottle of 0,7501t capacity with champagne cork.

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